Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Map Of Heaven - Another Example Of The Increased Mockery That Christianity Is Facing In The Western World

We recently found a "map of heaven" floating around the internet.

This piece of mockery includes "an angel boot camp", a "line for God's lap", a "hall of heroes" and an "America Land".

You can see a much larger version of the map here:

We are seeing the Christian faith be mocked in the Western world like never before. But the truth is that the Bible told us this kind of mocking would come in the last days.

In 2 Peter 3:3-4, it says this.....

First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation."

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Greed Of Humanity Is Destroying The Earth

Do you know where the biggest garbage dump in the entire world is?

It is in the Pacific Ocean.

It is called the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" and it is at least twice the size of Texas.

We are literally filling up the Pacific Ocean with our garbage.

You see, plastic is not biodegradable. So every piece of plastic already there will stay there and we are adding new plastic to the Pacific Ocean every single day.

Watch the following video and ask yourself if humanity is taking good care of this planet.....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Oprah Winfrey Continues To Promote Apostasy By Having A Christian Minister On Her Show Who Proclaims That "Being Gay Is A Gift From God"

Oprah Winfrey is continuing her crusade to redefine religion and spirituality in America.

A while back, Oprah Winfrey shocked many people in the United States by having two clergymen on her show who proclaimed to the world that "being gay is a gift from God."

That show predictably caused a significant response from people all across the religious spectrum.

In fact, it was such a huge response that Oprah decided to have one of those ministers, the Reverend Ed Bacon of the All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena, California on her show once again.

The following video shows highlights from Bacon's first stunning appearance on Oprah, and it shows his more recent appearance on Oprah where he reaffirms his position that the Bible says that being gay is a gift from God.....

Needless to say the blogs and forums all over the internet are buzzing about all of this.

Oprah Winfrey has gotten to the point where she not only discusses spiritual matters on her show, but she now is actively seeking to redefine and reshape the religious beliefs of millions of Americans.

Recently on our new blog we published an article entitled "Oprah Winfrey: Preparing The Way For The One World Religion?" which went into great detail in explaining how Oprah is attempting to become one of the most influential spiritual leaders of this generation.

Is it appropriate for Oprah to do this?

Is Oprah purposely trying to destroy traditional Christianity?

What do you think about what Oprah believes and about what she is trying to do?

Feel free to leave us a comment and tell us what you think!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Would You Risk Your Life To Bring Bibles Into A Foreign Country?

The sacrifices that many brothers and sisters in Christ have made to get the Bible into every country on earth should humble all of us.

The following story of amazing courage is originally from a book entitled Extreme Devotion: The Voice of the Martyrs. I don't know about you, but I can never get enough of stories like this.....


The Russian border guard was walking a routine patrol. With the end of World War II, borders were zealously guarded for any suspicious activities. Two threats were paramount: Soviet citizens trying to escape and smugglers trying to bring in illegal items such as Bibles.

This particular guard had been assigned to the border between the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and Romania. He walked slowly in the peaceful cold, running his flashlight back and forth over the freshly fallen snow.

Suddenly his reverie was broken as his light stuck some indentations in the snow. Footprints! Headed into Romania! He raised his whistle to his lips and sounded a long, steady, shrill alarm.

Soon other guards surrounded him. "This way! This way!" he jumped and shouted, pointing to the four sets of footprints. "They can't be far! Perhaps we can catch them before they reach Romania!" The group headed out as quickly as they could into the night.

At the sound, four Romanian Christians froze in the darkness. The listened intently, as the guards' shouts and the barking slowly got farther and farther away. They turned and smiled to one another. At the nod of their leader, they continued their journey, carefully walking backwards into Ukraine, carrying their precious cargo of Bibles to their brothers and sisters in the underground church.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Final Hour - Our New Blog About The Last Days Before The Return Of Jesus Christ

We are incredibly excited to announced the debut of our new blog The Final Hour.

The world is more rapidly changing than ever before. This is a time of wars and rumors of wars, of economic collapse, of increasing terrorism, of rising famine, of devastating natural disasters, of environmental destruction and of global plagues.

The world is spinning out of control and with each passing year things seem to be getting worse.

That is because things ARE getting worse.

Politicians, celebrities and religious leaders run around claiming that they have some answers but nobody can seem to even slow down the building chaos.

The world as we all knew it has fundamentally changed, and many are wondering if the world is about to face the worst times it has ever seen.

The times that are approaching us are the times that Jesus spoke of in Luke 21:10-11.....

Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

The vast majority of the population is not going to know how to handle these things. There will be mass panic and mass rioting as these things begin to take place. When people lose everything that they have worked for all of their lives and they realize that there is no hope, then the very worst of humanity will come out.

We will soon be facing the days that the apostle Paul wrote about in 2 Timothy 3:1-5.....

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power.

In our new blog, we will be covering the extraordinary events of these times as humanity enters the darkest era in history.

We would encourage you to go over and check out the new site. We think that you will find that it is unlike any blog that you have seen before.....

Also, we would encourage you to subscribe to the new blog's feed so that you will never miss an article:

In addition, if you would like to be updated whenever we post a major new article on any of our blogs, please feel free to follow us on Twitter:

Saturday, January 17, 2009

2 Christian Ministers On The Oprah Winfrey Show Openly Declare To America That "Being Gay Is A Gift From God"

On a recent broadcast of the Oprah Winfrey show, not one, but two Christian pastors emphatically declared that "being gay is a gift from God."

In fact, in the stunning video footage below you will see one of the Christian ministers tell a gay person that he "is gay by divine right" and that part of being made in the image and likeness of God is to be gay because God made him that way.

Just check out this amazing video footage. You will definitely want to watch it more than once.....

Now Oprah's very strong promotion of gay marriage and the gay agenda has been known for a long time, but she has definitely taken things to a whole new level by having Christian ministers on her show who are openly teaching that being gay is a gift from God.

This is just another indication of the extent to which Oprah Winfrey is willing to go to try to influence spirituality in America.

Earlier this week we published an article on our new blog entitled "Oprah Winfrey: Preparing The Way For The One World Religion?" which went into great detail in explaining how Oprah is attempting to reshape and redefine traditional Christianity. Oprah does not simply have a personal obsession with "spirituality" at this point. Now she is actively attempting to become one of the most influential spiritual leaders of this generation.

As far as the Christian ministers on Oprah's program, perhaps they have never had the chance to read Romans 1:26-27.....

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

The reality is that the vast majority of Americans are now bound up in a variety of sexual sin: adultery, fornication, pornography, lust, orgies, etc. etc.

We should dearly love everyone who is caught up in any type of sin and pray that they will turn to God and be set free.

These are the end times and the reality is that wickedness is going to continue to increase. As sin continues to prosper, may we all dramatically increase our love so that we may shine like lights in the darkness.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

11 Stories That Show How Far Down The Toilet America Has Gone

News comes at us so fast these days that it can be mind numbing. It can be easy to overlook just how much America has changed. The truth is that the U.S. has become completely corrupt, and the following 11 stories are examples of exactly how far down the toilet America has gone.....

*A new survey reveals that 30 percent of U.S. high school students have stolen from a store and 64 percent have cheated on a test during the past year. So now theft and cheating is normal for America's young people?

*The U.S. military plans to have 20,000 uniformed troops assigned to missions inside the United States by 2011 for "domestic security". Since when do we need armed troops patrolling the streets of America to keep us safe?

*The Pentagon is actually hiring a British scientist to help build robot soldiers that "won't commit war crimes". Is this not a REALLY bad idea? Haven't the people in the Pentagon actually WATCHED the Terminator movies?

*More American soldiers are choosing to stay in the U.S. military because of the bad economy. How bad does the economy have to be for young people to WANT to have crazed fanatics continue to shoot at them in Iraq and Afghanistan rather than try to find a job?

*One St. Louis city leader is calling the police totally ineffective and is calling on residents to arm themselves to protect their lives and property. So now America's cities are such a disaster that we just give up on the police and buy guns and get ready to shoot it out with criminals?

*Newsweek is reporting that 25 percent of American employees who have internet access visit porn websites while they are at work. How much porn do Americans need if they can't get enough at home?

*Kentucky atheists are suing to get God out of homeland security. Don't these atheists have anything better to do than to tell God that they don't need Him to protect them?

*Another atheist group was permitted to post an anti-religion sign next to a Christian nativity scene and a "holiday tree" in the state capitol of the state of Washington. Part of the message on that sign read: "There is only our natural world. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds." Can you feel the warmth and the love?

*A New York City survey reveals that almost ten percent of men who say they're straight have sex ONLY with other men. The survey also found that 10% of all married men reported same-sex sexual behavior during the past year. So ten percent of married men in New York City have cheated on their wives with other men in the past year? That is stunning.

*The economy may be bad, but business is booming for psychics, astrologers and witches. What ever happened to turning to church and to prayer?

*There are half a million frozen babies sitting in fertility clinics across the United States. Just think about that - 500,000 babies just sitting there frozen in our national refrigerator. How could we do that to all of those innocent children?

The reality is that America is not the greatest country in the world. It is a very sick, very corrupt place and it is getting worse by the day.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

What Happens To Those Who Never Hear About Jesus Christ?

Does God care about those who never hear about Jesus Christ?

Is Jesus actively reaching out to them?

What if there are some people that never hear about Jesus?

These are some great questions!

What does happen to those who have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ?

Or for that matter, what happens to children who die at birth?

What about someone who is severely mentally impaired from birth and can't even communicate?

What is their standing before God?

Well, for starters, we know God is a God of perfect love AND of perfect justice. The Scriptures tell us that God only holds us responsible for what we know:

"If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin."
-John 15:22

God also tells us that it is apparent from what has been made that He exists:

"The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened."
-Romans 1:18-22

So that tells us a couple things.

Firstly, you don't have to worry about the 2 year old baby who dies.

God is perfectly just and we don't have to worry that he is going to be unjust in any way.

In addition, if you are reading this, you are without excuse.

The reality of God is completely apparent to you.

You need to make a decision about Christ.

The truth is that if people are truly reaching out for God, then God will find a way to reach out to them.

In some of the least Christian areas of the world, it has almost become commonplace for Christ to appear in dreams and visions to those who are truly seeking him.

Here are some amazing stories from some Muslims who have come to Christ in extraordinary ways:


Original Source:

Muslims Tell ... "Why I chose Jesus"

I had a Dream...

For someone who has not had extended exposure to Muslim-background believers in Christ, probably the most striking surprise is the powerful role that dreams and visions have played in drawing people to Jesus. Though dreams may play an insignificant role in the conversion decisions of most Westerners, over one-fourth of those surveyed state quite emphatically that dreams and visions were key in drawing them to Christ and sustaining them through difficult times. Rick Love, International Director of Frontiers, has recognized the pattern as well. He writes that, "Just as God used a vision to convert Paul, in like manner He reveals Himself to Muslims through dreams and visions. Just as God prepared Cornelius to hear the Gospel through a vision, so God is preparing a multitude of Muslims to respond to His good news."

One believer from Guinea recounts the dream of a figure whom he later believed to be Christ. The figure was in a white robe, calling the man to come to Him. In a related dream, he recalls that the same figure's arms were extended, beckoning him. Dreams of this type have become recognized as a pattern of work among Muslims. Though there are variations, Christ appearing in a white robe is a recurring image among those who have had dreams and visions. Similarly, a Muslim Malay woman was drawn by a vision she had of her Christian parents who had died. She saw them rejoicing with others in heaven. Jesus, appearing in a white robe, said, "If you want to come to me, just come." Feeling that she had tried her entire life to reach God without success, she now saw God initiating the effort to reach her through Jesus.

A convert from the Middle East who had been afflicted with severe headaches was lying on his bed after having prayed for his sick son. A man with a beautiful, peaceful face appeared. Dressed in white, the figure walked to the head of the man's bed and touched him three times on the head. The next morning his headaches were gone. His son, too, was fully healed. Understandably, he now recounts with confidence, "I believe in prayer in the name of the Christ."

The great majority of dreams seem to fall into one of two broad categories. The first could be considered the preparatory dream. Like Christ appearing in a white robe, the vision confirms thoughts or conversations one has been having about Christ or the Christian faith. The second could be called the empowering dream. Here the dream or vision commonly gives the believer strength in the face of persecution. Short of persecution, it may embolden believers, strengthening the nature of their witness.


One Sunni woman from the Arabian Peninsula had a figure appear to her in a dream, telling her to visit a Christian woman she knew. The figure, who she was later convinced was Christ, told her this woman would teach her.

In a fascinating twist on God's use of dreams and sleep, one Algerian recounted how she heard her sleeping Muslim grandmother say, "Jesus is not dead. I want to tell you He is here."

A West African man recounts a succinct, yet powerful vision he had prior to conversion. He saw a devout Muslim in hell and a poor Christian who couldn't afford to give alms in heaven. A voice explained to him that the difference was belief in Jesus.

Empowering Dreams

A North African believer found the needed strength to face his imprisonment from a dream he had while imprisoned for his faith. In it, he saw thousands of believers pouring through the streets of his city, openly proclaiming their faith in his restricted country. While in prison, he was tortured, suspended upside-down naked for hours, beaten with electrified rods and repeatedly threatened with execution. His vision of a day when people of his country would openly proclaim their faith in the streets gave him great strength to persevere through this most difficult time.


Though not strictly a dream or a vision, a number of Muslim-background believers have had a significant supernatural encounter that was instrumental in drawing them to Jesus. One Egyptian Muslim was reading the Injil (Gospel), when he came to Luke 3, where the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove. God said, "This is my son, in whom I am well pleased." As he read those words, a stormy wind broke into his room. A voice spoke to him saying, "I am Jesus Christ, whom you hate. I am the Lord whom you are looking for." He recalls that he "wept and wept, accepting Jesus from that time."

Whatever personal perspective one has on dreams and visions and the Christian walk of faith, it is difficult to consider engaging in ministry to Muslims without a recognition of and an openness for God to continue drawing people to Himself through what may be viewed as unconventional means.


For more stories of how God has reached in supernatural ways to people in the remotest areas of the earth we would suggest the book "Eternity In Their Hearts" by Don Richardson or the documentary film entitled "More Than Dreams".

The truth is that God has ways to reach out to anyone that is truly searching for Him.

Anyone who doubts that simply does not understand how big our God is.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

End Times Speed Links - Planned Parenthood Gift Certificates Allowed Americans To "Give The Gift Of Abortion" This Past Christmas

Abortion Gift Cards?

*Planned Parenthood actually issued Christmas gift certificates during the Christmas season so that people could "give the gift of abortion".

Hard Times

*Long lines and empty shelves are becoming increasingly common at food banks around the United States. That is not a good sign.

*A new survey reveals that homelessness is hitting women and children the hardest.

Mandatory National Service?

*Are you ready for your children to be drafted into Rahm Emanuel's mandatory national service plan?

Hizbullah Has 42,000 Missiles?

*Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak says that Hizbullah now has 42,000 missiles. Let us hope that they don't decide to join the war.

Are You Thankful?

*A new report by the Agriculture Department reveals that nearly one out of every eight Americans struggled to feed themselves adequately in 2007. Are you thankful for what you have?

A New Plague?

*Scientists have discovered a 21st century black plague that spreads from rats to humans. That doesn't sound good at all.

Big Brother News

*AIDS patients in eastern Indonesia may soon be forcibly microchipped against their will.

*Morocco has issued the millionth biometric contactless national identity card since they began their new program. How soon until this type of thing happens in the United States?

*Apparently you will soon need the permission of the government to travel almost anywhere in the United States.

*Have you all heard about the new police car that scans license plates and sniffs out bombs?

*The U.S. State Department has announced plans to promote "online youth groups" as a new and powerful way to fight crime, political oppression and terrorism. Will they be trying to recruit your kids?

Moral Decline

*One of the key leaders in the "emerging church" movement has written that "gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual and queer" lifestyles are compatible with the Christian faith and should have the blessing of the church.

*This is not a joke: Michael Jackson has reportedly become a Muslim and has changed his name to "Mikaeel".

*A new survey in the U.K. reveals that for Brits it is easier to believe in ghosts and little green men from outer space than to believe in God.

*New York City officials have ordered 22 New York churches to STOP providing beds to homeless people. Isn't the government wonderful?

*According to the National Women's Health Resource Center, two out of every three women experience holiday depression. How was your holiday?

*Schoolgirls as young as 14 in the United Kingdom will be taught in school about their "right" to choose an abortion.

*A Christian police officer in the United Kingdom has been fired for witnessing to gay coworkers.

*Lastly, the fight over gay adoption continues to heat up.