Friday, August 29, 2008

YES Or NO: Will You Take The Chip When They Come For You? Will You Resist The Mark Of The Beast?

Please answer YES or NO and feel free to explain your answer.

Will you willingly take the chip when they come for you?

Will you resist the Mark of the Beast no matter what the consequences might be?

It may be really easy to resist it when they introduce it on a voluntary basis at first.

But will you resist it when you cannot have a bank account without it?

Will you resist when you cannot buy or sell without it?

What will you do?

Where will you live?

How will you buy food?

Will you resist when they start putting people without the chip in camps?

Will you resist when they start waterboarding you?

What about when they threaten to put a nail through your eye?

What about when they put you in a cramped, windowless cell and they turn out all the lights and they let dozens of hungry rats in?

What about when they start torturing your children right in front of you?

Will you still resist then?

Will you still resist when they threaten to burn all of your skin off with acid and then throw you into a blazing fire?

Is it worth it for you to resist?

Why not just make things easy on yourself and take the chip and then you can stay in your house and buy and sell and you can go to work and live normally and the new world order will get of your back?

Will you have the power to resist when the time comes?

There are some who will.

Only those who have Jesus will have the power to resist when that day comes. I urge you to find Him today:

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