Monday, October 27, 2008

7 Recent End Times News Stories That Are Worth Another Look

Do you know how sometimes some really important news stories get brushed under the rug? Well, here are 7 end times news stories that are worth taking a look at one more time.....

1) Have you seen these pictures yet? The Ten Most Shocking Obama Pictures On The Internet.

2) One county in Colorado is cracking down on a famous street evangelist.

3) Police brutality in 18 year old boy was punched in the face 13 times and tasered by a police officer in Greenville, South Carolina.

4) Evangelist Todd Bentley has officially filed for separation from his wife.

5) Is religious persecution building in the U.S.? A federal judge has ruled that the University of California can deny course credit to applicants from Christian high schools whose textbooks teach that God created the heavens and the earth.

6) The foreclosure crisis is now so bad in Detroit that you can get a house for a dollar.

7) Our oceans are in the process of dying. There are now more than 400 known dead zones in coastal waters around the world, compared to just 305 in the 90s.

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