Saturday, October 24, 2009

Are You Part Of The Remnant Of The End Times?

Do you feel like you are part of the remnant of the end times? Do you feel as though God is doing some amazing things out there but you can't seem to find a place of fellowship where God's power is actually displayed? Do you hop around from church to church to church looking for the real thing but always feeling disappointed?

If so, then we know exactly what you are looking for. You see, we were in the exact same boat before we found the Cradle of Hope.

The truth is that God is doing something extraordinary. He is calling out the remnant and He is restoring the ways of the early church.

If you live in Virginia, Maryland or Washington D.C. and are looking for fellowship with other Christians we hope that you will consider coming to one of our meetings. Each Sabbath we meet with other believers to study both the Commandments of God (the Torah) and the testimony of Yahshua (the New Testament). Revelation 12:17 and 14:12 says that the remnant of the last days will be those who follow God's commandments and have the testimony of Yahshua (Jesus Christ). A brand new Facebook group has been started for those in the mid-Atlantic area who are interested in learning more.....

If you live outside the mid-Atlantic area, we encourage you to contact the Cradle of Hope directly to get connected with a fellowship group in your local area.....

We invite you to come and study with us. You will never find a real move of God by sitting on your couch. Take a chance and come see what we are all about.

If you have any questions about how to get involved in a local fellowship group, please leave a comment and we will get back to you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, I have heard the 3 angels msg. Recently baptised as a believer in Jesus Christ and His shed blood for forgiveness of Sins. Sin being transgression of the law-10 commandments (expanded in NT teaching) I Must obey the Royal Law. I believe that keeping the 7th day Sabbath as the Messiah did is a sign between us and God and His people will be sealed on their foreheads. Few people seem to get it! That being said-the Bible states that these days will be like the time of NOAH-few (8) were saved!!!We know that there ARE saints worldwide,every nation,tribe tongue-Praise God!!!I'm dedicating the rest of my life to proclaiming the message Loudly!!and ready to forsake ALL for my Saviour. Truly "only he who endures to the end WILL BE SAVED!" My location is AMITE,LA-I try to avoid New Orleans which is just South of me It's a very very evil wicked place--Drugs-voodoo-demon possessed and afflicted souls! I have tried God (HE IS GOOD and JUST)and truly we can and must be overcomers to eat from the tree of life. and "no temptation will ever be allowed to be stronger than our Power from God to resist"-Glory to God! Jesus our hope of glory is working for us and through us--Pls. have a saint or 2 near here contact me at (name from last kingdom of miry clay mixed with iron scattered to 4 winds--it's forming now but thank God will only last a minute-if that long!! 100% TRUTH can save anyone today--His Word is TRUTH!-AMEN?